of the Stakeholders to the United Nations Conference of the Parties, developed by the Monitoring Network Against Gender Based Violence for the fourth Review Cycle / 47th Session of the Universal Periodic Review Working Group, 4 – 15 November 2024
Comments on the Draft General Recommendation No. 40:
Inputs of some organizations, members of the Monitoring Network Against Gender Based Violence, regarding Draft General Recommendation No.40 on the equal and inclusive representation of women in decision making systems.
Verbal violence against female candidates in elections must be banned!
Public Call The Monitoring Network against Gender-Based Violence observes a language of sexism and hatred towards female candidates in the elections, while the election campaign has just begun. Unfortunately , we found that this language was used by representatives of electoral subjects, as well as by persons in audiovisual and print media. The network considers …
Research Paper
The situation created from COVID 19 presented many challenges to the civil society organizations working on addressing gender-based violence in Albania. CSOs faced challenges in providing services for cases of GBV and DV and in managing the cases effectively. Even in a situation like this, most of them generated new tools aiming to reach the …
In the words of Sascha Gabizon: “Gender equality is essential for our economy, for our wellbeing, and for our future”
t this important meeting we have people representing countries from Central Asia all the way to Canada and North America, including Turkey and Israel, and all the way up to the Scandinavian countries. And from all these countries we have a very wonderful diverse group of 500 feminists. About 30 percent are young feminists, we …
Improving the protection of women’s human rights is underpinned by legal system reform, and there are many examples of how the legal landscape has undergone important change within recent decades at the international, regional and national levels. For instance, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) is not yet …
Recalling that gender equality is central to the protection of human rights, the functioning of democracy and good governance, respect for the rule of law and the promotion of well-being for all, that it entails equal rights for women and men, girls and boys, as well as the same visibility, empowerment, responsibility and participation in …
This mapping was carried out as part of the EU/ UN Women project “Support the establishment and strengthening of regional platforms of civil society organisations (with a special focus on organisations representing women from minority and disadvantaged groups) to advocate for the development and implementation of laws and policies in line with CEDAW and the Istanbul Convention,” under the EU/UN Women regional programme “Ending Violence against Women: Implementing norms, changing minds.” This programme aims to end gender-based discrimination and violence against women in the Western Balkans and Turkey and encompasses the countries of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, the Republic of North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey
This mapping was carried out as part of the EU/UN Women project “Support the establishment and strengthening of regional platforms of civil society organisations (with a special focus on organisations representing women from minority and disadvantaged groups) to advocate for the development and implementation of laws and policies in line with CEDAW and the Istanbul …
This mapping was carried out as part of the EU/ UN Women project “Support the establishment and strengthening of regional platforms of civil society organisations (with a special focus on organisations representing women from minority and disadvantaged groups) to advocate for the development and implementation of laws and policies in line with CEDAW and the …