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The report you are reading is the lessons learned and good practices report of the “Awareness raising among refugee and migrant women on how to access justice” project implemented by Support to Life between 7 February – 31 October 2018 with the financing of The United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of …
The regional report on compliance with CEDAW and the Istanbul Convention represents one of the activities in the project “Unifying the Voices for Ending Violence against Women” carried out by Bibija Roma Women’s Center and UN Women during the period from July 10th, 2018 to September 30th, 2019. The project is part of the EU/UN …
The Referral Mechanism against Domestic Violence, is a dedicated mechanism that aims to protect and support survivors of domestic and gender-based violence. It is composed of a team of community professionals who have institutional responsibility to respond and address the various needs of survivors of domestic violence. Each member of the team plays a key …
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Violence against women (VAW) constitutes a widespread form of human rights violation which is harmful to individuals and families but also to the society in its entirety. When speaking about the prevention of and response to violence against women, including domestic violence, it is a problem that affects the entire population regardless ofwealth, ethnic or …
Imkaan is a UK-based, Black feminist organization and the only second-tier women’s organization in the UK dedicated to addressing violence against Black and minoritized women and girls .The organization has nearly two decades of experience of working around issues such as domestic violence, forced marriage and ‘honour-based’ violence. Imkaan works intersectionally at local, national and …
The present comprehensive report is prepared on behalf of the UN Women Project “Support the establishment and strengthening of regional platforms of civil society organizations(with special focus on organizations representing women from minority and disadvantaged groups). This project seeks to advocate for the development and implementation of laws and policies in line with CEDAW and …
In 2019, the European network Women Against Violence Europe (WAVE), celebrated its 25th anniversary. The year marks an important milestone on the path undertaken by WAVE and its members to promote and strengthen the human rights of women and children in general and to prevent violence against women and children in particular. Significant positive changes …
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