About Project

Period of Implementation: 13 November 2017 – 31 December 2019

The Center for Legal Civic  Initiatives has launched the implementation of the project “Establishment of a network of non-profit organizations for a better implementation of international standards on gender equality and gender-based violence in Albania”, implemented by CLCI. The project is funded by the European Commission and implemented with the support of UN Women.

This project aims to monitor international standards, aims to promote the implementation of the recommendations of the CEDAW Committee, GREVIO and UPR and to contribute to addressing shortcomings / problems during and after the monitoring and reporting process.

The overall objective is a better implementation of international standards deriving from the CEDAW convention, the Istanbul convention and the UPR Mechanism.

The specific objectives are: To establish and support a national network of NGOs to monitor the implementation of the obligations and responsibilities deriving from CEDAW, (including the CEDAW Committee Concluding Remarks), the Istanbul Convention (including the GREVIO recommendations ) and UPR recommendations;

Specific objectives: Strengthening the capacities of networks and NGOs in monitoring the implementation of the recommendations of the CEDAW, GREVIO and UPR Committee and the preparation of shadow reports on these mechanisms;

Specific Objectives: To provide solutions for the identified areas in accordance with international standards.

Achieving the project objectives will be achieved through the identification of organizations / networks and capacity assessment of civil society organizations that are active in the field of gender equality, gender-based violence, human rights, women’s rights, etc. The evaluation will also focus on identifying NGOs that have expertise in monitoring the implementation of international standards by the Albanian state and organizations / networks with expertise in preparing and submitting shadow reports. New organizations working in this field will also be part of the network. NGOs will support the development of an action plan to monitor CEDAW, the UPR and the Istanbul Convention. A guide for monitoring the implementation of international standards by NGOs and the PA institution will be prepared.

The trainings that will be organized will be strongly focused on monitoring and also on strengthening the capacities of NGOs and PA in the preparation of shadow reports.

Draft reports and joint statements, monitoring reports will be prepared regarding the implementation of the Istanbul Convention, CEDAW and UPR. Meetings will be organized with representatives of state institutions during the project implementation period, in order to identify problems and solve them. The Center for Civic Legal Initiatives will provide technical and training support to organizations and networks that will prepare shadow reports for the CEDAW, GREVIO and UPR Committees.

The best practices of CLCI and other network member organizations in monitoring the implementation of international standards and preparing shadow reports will be used as an important tool.

The results of the project will consist of setting up a network of NGOs, called the “Gender Based Violence Monitoring Network”, which will include existing and new NGOs / networks, strengthening the capacity of NGOs. monitors the implementation of CEDAW Final Remarks, GREVIO Recommendations and UPR Recommendations, prepares shadow reports, prepares statements, enhances the active role of NGOs in advocacy and lobbying in order to improve implementation of legislation; strengthening the communication and cooperation of NGOs with state authorities; progressively addressing and providing solutions by NGOs in coordination with state structures on issues raised in the recommendations of the CEDAW Committee, GREVIO and UPR.

Period of Implementation: 8 May 2020 – 31 April 2021

The Center for Legal Civic Initiatives is implementing the project entitled “Supporting the Monitoring Network against Gender-Based Violence in preparing the upcoming alternative CEDAW and GREVIO reports and the drafting of the new National Strategy on Gender Equality”.

This project aims to create an enabling legislative and policy environment in line with international standards on eliminating violence against women and all forms of discrimination.

The specific objectives of this project are:

-The Monitoring Network of CSOs fully capable, operational and effective to monitor, report on and advocate for the implementation of national legislation and international standards, such as CEDAW and Istanbul Convention;

-CSOs are better prepared to submit and use for advocacy purposes shadow reports/submissions to CEDAW, GREVIO and other bodies;

Planned activities to fulfill the objectives:

Objectives 1: The Monitoring Network of CSOs fully capable, operational and effective to monitor, report on and advocate for the implementation of national legislation and international standards, such as CEDAW and Istanbul Convention;


Activity no.1:  Creation of the Thematic Working Groups and consultations among members;

Activity no.2: Organization of four online workshops on reporting and monitoring;

Activity no.3: Advanced training with law students on providing free legal aid;

Activity no. 4: Recommendations and advocacy for the adoption of laws/by laws on VAW/DV and providing feedback on the new strategy on gender equality;

Activity no.5: Monitoring implementation of existing legal framework;

Activity no.6: Using media as an advocacy tool.

Objectives 2: CSOs are better prepared to submit and use for advocacy purposes shadow reports/submissions to CEDAW, GREVIO and other bodies;


Activity no. 7: Data and information collection and monitoring on human rights compliance by members of the Monitoring Network;

Activity no.8: Draft shadow reports for CEDAW and GREVIO;

Activity no. 9: Providing free online legal aid to survivors of violence .


The project “Strengthening the role of the Monitoring Network Against Gender Based Violence to implement the standards enshrined in CEDAW and the Istanbul Convention”, CLCI is implementing has the Expected Outputs and Activities as follows:

Output 1.1: Grassroots and women-led organizations will have increased capacities to influence the gender equality agenda in the country.

Description: Grassroots and women-led organizations, particularly new and remote ones, often lack the resources and capacities to effectively participate in gender equality (GE) agenda-setting processes. This output focuses on expanding the membership of the Monitoring Network Against Gender Based Violence (MNAGBV) to include new feminist groups and organizations, and enhancing their capacities.

Key Activities:

1.1.1. Identify Additional Organizations:

1.1.2. Strengthen Capacities:

Output 1.2: Network members and other organizations will have increased capacities to monitor and report on the implementation of gender equality laws and policies in Albania, following recommendations from CEDAW, UPR, and GREVIO.

Description: This output aims to enhance the abilities of current and new member organizations of MNAGBV to engage with gender equality and women’s rights mechanisms and instruments, such as CEDAW, GREVIO, and UPR, including national frameworks like NSGE 2021-2030.

Key Activities:

1.2.1.Capacity Building for Reporting:

1.2.2.Strategizing Meetings and Working Groups:

1.2.3. Monitoring and Reporting:

Output 1.3: Advocacy with relevant stakeholders to implement the recommendations of the Monitoring Network Against Gender Based Violence, CEDAW Committee, GREVIO, and others, regarding the legal framework addressing all forms of violence against women and its implementation.

Description: Advocacy is essential for urging the government to address women’s rights violations and gaps in existing legislation based on international human rights commitments. This output focuses on using recommendations from CEDAW and GREVIO for strong advocacy efforts.

 Key Activities:

1.3.1. Identify Relevant Legislation:

1.3.2. Regular Meetings with State Institutions:

  • Organize regular meetings with state institutions responsible for monitoring human rights and gender equality issues to exchange ideas and provide capacity support.

1.3.3. Advocacy on Recommendations:

1.3.4. Communication and Dissemination:


• The CLCI will collaborate closely with MNAGBV and grassroots civil society, women-led, and feminist organizations.

 • The network aims to expand its membership to include newly-built groups focusing on intersectional forms of VAW.

• Transparent procedures will engage member organizations in project implementation.

• Partnerships with NHRI and parliamentary commissions will be established during project implementation.

This project is implemented by Center for Legal Civic Initiatives in cooperation with UN Women Albania in the framework of the “Ending Violence Against Women in Albania” (EVAWIA) Project, a UN Joint Programme funded by the Government of Sweden and implemented by three UN Agencies UN Women, UNDP and UNFPA.