Public Call

The Monitoring Network against Gender-Based Violence observes a language of sexism and hatred towards female candidates in the elections, while the election campaign has just begun. Unfortunately , we found that this language was used by representatives of electoral subjects, as well as by persons in audiovisual and print media.
The network considers that sexist language aiming to trample the dignity of female candidates is violence against them and constitutes discrimination on gender grounds. All internationa l organizations have repeatedly raised this concern, considering it a violation of international conventions, for which the states parties are responsible.
In whatever form, violence against women in elections intends to intimidate and deter the expression of their voice and political will, not only for female candidates but for alJ women and girls in the country. We, therefore, call on the representatives of electoral subjects to give up the ugly practices they have followed so far, based on hate speech and denigration of political opponents, incJuding sexist insults.
Media institutions, both audiovisual and print, should take all measures to not become conductors and supporters of this practice and to not allow denigrating language towards female candidates. The topics covered by various television shows, watched by a wide portion of the public, should highlight the real values of the popular representation of women candidates, and not focus on their appearance features.
We call on the Commissioner for Protection from Discrimination to monitor and follow these cases, taking measures against all persons, especially against the representatives of electoral subjects that violate Article 9 of the Law “On Protection from D iscrimination “, which prohibits gender discrimination in exercising the right to vote and standing for election. Moreover, this approach contradicts the Recommendations of a few days ago, signed between the Central Election Commissioner and the Comm issioner for Protection from Discrimination “On the prevention of hate speech during the election campaign”.
The Monitoring Network against Gender-Based Violence observes a language of sexism and hatred towards female candidates in the elections, while the election campaign has just begun. Unfortunately , we found that this language was used by representatives of electoral subjects, as well as by persons in audiovisual and print media.
The network considers that sexist language aiming to trample the dignity of female candidates is violence against them and constitutes discrimination on gender grounds. All internationa l organizations have repeatedly raised this concern, considering it a violation of international conventions, for which the states parties are responsible.
In whatever form, violence against women in elections intends to intimidate and deter the expression of their voice and political will, not only for female candidates but for alJ women and girls in the country. We, therefore, call on the representatives of electoral subjects to give up the ugly practices they have followed so far, based on hate speech and denigration of political opponents, incJuding sexist insults.
Media institutions, both audiovisual and print, should take all measures to not become conductors and supporters of this practice and to not allow denigrating language towards female candidates. The topics covered by various television shows, watched by a wide portion of the public, should highlight the real values of the popular representation of women candidates, and not focus on their appearance features.
We call on the Commissioner for Protection from Discrimination to monitor and follow these cases, taking measures against all persons, especially against the representatives of electoral subjects that violate Article 9 of the Law “On Protection from D iscrimination “, which prohibits gender discrimination in exercising the right to vote and standing for election. Moreover, this approach contradicts the Recommendations of a few days ago, signed between the Central Election Commissioner and the Comm issioner for Protection from Discrimination “On the prevention of hate speech during the election campaign”.
The Audiovisual Media Authority (AMA), and in particular the “Complain ts Council” must implement the competencies regarding the supervision of acts that guarantee the respect of dignity and other fundamental rights of women, following the law “On the audiovisual media in the Republic of Albania”.
Civil society organizations call on alJ electoral subjects to take all measures for reflecting good behavior and conducting a peaceful election campaign, not only respecting the values of the rule of law and democracy but also the con cerns of citizens and their families, due to the current pandemic situation.
Civil society wilJ continue to publicly denounce all cases that cause public concern due to hate speech and gender-based violence.
Monitoring network against gender-based violence
- Center for Legal Civic Initiatives;
- Albanian Helsinki Committee;
- Women ‘s Empowerment Network in Albania AWEN;
- Association of Women Business Professionals and Skilled Crafts
- Center “Women in Public Service”
- “Useful to Albanian Women “Association
- Observatory for Children and Youth Rights
- Counseling Line for Women and Girls;
- Women’s Forum Elbasan ;
- Young Women ‘s Christian Association of Albania – YWCA of Albania
- Center for Bridging Communities;
- National Centre for Community Services
- Community Development Center “Today for the Future”
- Organization “Different and equal”
- WON-Women ‘s Democracy Network Albania
- Albanian Disability Rights Foundation – ADRF 1
- Psycho-Social Center “Vatra”
- Coalition for Education
- Association Gender Peace and Security
- Human Rights in Democracy Centre (HRDC)
- Gender Alliance for Development Center GADC
- Shelter for Abused Women and Girls-Albania
- Roma Women Rights Centre
- Women Tawards Integration
- .Center of Women ‘s Counselling and social services Kukes
- Albanian Center for Population and Development (ACPD)
- “Light Steps” Woman Center