Monthly archives: January, 2018


URGENT MEASURES NEEDED! ANOTHER FAILURE TO PREVENT AND PROTECT VICTIMS OF GENDER BASED VIOLENCE! TO: His Excellency Mr. Ilir Meta, THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF ALBANIA, THE PARLIAMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF ALBANIA, Att: Mr. Gramoz Ruci, Spokesperson of the Parliament of the Republic of Albania, Mr. Edi Paloka, Deputy Spokesperson, Parliament of the …


NEVOJITEN MASA URGJENTE! DËSHTIMI I RADHËS NË PARANDALIMIN DHE MBROJTJEN E VIKTIMAVE TË DHUNËS ME BAZË GJINORE!   DREJTUAR: PRESIDENTIT TË REPUBLIKËS SË SHQIPËRISË, Zotit Ilir Meta, KUVENDIT TË REPUBLIKËS SË SHQIPËRISË, Në vëmendje të zotit Gramoz Ruci, Kryetar i Kuvendit të RSH, Edi Paloka, Zëvendëskryetar, Kuvendi i Republikës së Shqipërisë, Znj.Vasilika Hysi, Zëvendëskryetare, Kuvendi …

SHADOW REPORT Submitted to the 64th session of CEDAW

This shadow report is presented by CLCI to the 64th session of CEDAW. The report is divided in two parts. The first part analyses the institutional responsibility in relation to the execution of the court decisions on the food compensation obligation to be paid for the children. The second part, examines women’s situation in relation …


This report prepared by the people’s advocate, submitted in 64th session of CEDAW committee analyze the specific areas of  participation of women in politics and decision making, women’s access to the justice system, economic empowerment, domestic violence, access to economic benefits and social services  and gender budgeting. Click here to find the fully report!

On the road to implementation.

The Universal Periodic Review (UPR) is a three-stage process including a review by UN member States, the implementation of the recommendations received during the review, and an assessment of the implementation at the next review four and a half years later. Its second stage, called “Follow-up”, is the key step as it is the one leading …