Presented by Center for Legal Civic Initiatives in collaboration with the Network of Monitoring against Gender-based Violence. Period 2014-2018 Click here to find the report!
Presented by Center for Legal Civic Initiatives in collaboration with the Network of Monitoring against Gender-based Violence. Period 2014-2018 Click here to find the report!
Organizatat e Rrjetit të Monitorimit kundër Dhunës me Bazë Gjinore bashkëpunojnë për paraqitjen dhe përfaqësimin e çështjes në gjykatë. Rrjeti i Monitorimit kundër dhunës me bazë gjinore konstaton nevojën për ndërgjegjësim, që çështje të tilla të paraqiten në gjykatë. Kliko ketu per te pare artikullin!
Qendra per Zhvillimin e Grave Rurale, organizatë anëtare e Rrjeti i Monitorimit Kundër Dhunës me Bazë Gjinore i ka kushtuar një vëmendje të veçantë parandalimit dhe mbrojtjes nga dhuna me bazë gjinore, përfshirë dhunën në familje. Kliko ketu per te pare artikullin!
“More than 200 million girls and women alive today have undergone female genital mutilation” (WHO), and “more than half of these live in just three countries: Indonesia, Egypt and Ethiopia” (UNICEF). However, the World Health Organisation states that numerous women and girls have “undergone or may be at risk of being subjected to female genital …
According to the latest Global Study on Homicide released by the United Nations 87,000 women were killed in 2017. Out of these around 50,000 were killed by intimate partners or family members and approximately 30,000 were killed by intimate partners alone. Click here to find the article!
Men’s violence against women in intimate relationships is a serious social problem Serious consequences for those affected and their surroundings Interventions have been developed to stop violence and support victims Promising results for children who experience violence in the home Click here to find the article!